IR35 Mutuality is our compliance process that offers clarity and reassurance to deliver your Status Determination Statement and satisfy IR35 legislation.
The context
IR35 has been in place for approximately 20 years, but the recent legislative change in the private sector and the requirement to produce Status Determination Statements created uncertainty and confusion.
At Integrity Recruitment Solutions, our knowledge and experience of IR35 stretches back to those early days, working closely with clients to deliver compliant contract resources.
With the onus of determining the ‘IR35 status’ switching from the Contractor (PSC) to the Client & Fee-Payer, it is imperative that we continue to instil confidence, advise, and provide a solution for both our clients and contractors, ensuring that ‘genuine contract assignments’ have a robust process and a correct Status Determination Statement.
IR35 Mutuality - Our Collaborative Process
Our IR35 Mutuality Process is an ‘open-book’ approach that involves collaboration across all parties (Client, Contractor, Fee-Payer) to produce a Status Determination Statement that will satisfy the new IR35 legislation.
This process delivers re-assurance through neutral 3rd party assessments, IR35 ‘legal expert’ advice and reviews, completed with a 3rd party Status Determination Statement.
Contact the team for further details:
0115 888 1119
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